You Are Welcome Here

We believe church should be a place that extends belonging to everyone, no matter where they are with Jesus or where they find themselves in life.

Join Us on Sundays

We gather every Sunday to connect, reset, and refocus as we begin a new week. On Sundays you can expect meaningful connections, music, prayer, preaching from our teaching team, and engaging programs for your kids.

A Patterned Life

Resisting the Chaos

Sunday Morning Series

Our culture is full of chaos. In fact, it seems to thrive in it. But we as, individuals and families, are the opposite. We thrive in order and rhythms and become dysfunctional and unhealthy in the very chaos our culture thrives in. Jesus offers a different way—a Patterned Life; not one that restricts us, but gives a trellis on which our life can grow. A life that resists the chaos.

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